Preschool Sustainability

We are an environmentally conscious preschool, which means that we encourage our children and their families to be aware of our natural resources that need to be cared for as well as all other aspects of sustainability

Preschool Sustainability

The sustainability of our preschool

Sustainability is a key component of our preschool philosophy and practices

Educators provide opportunities for children to
learn about all the interconnected dimensions of
sustainability, understanding that sustainability
goes beyond learning in nature and being involved
in nature conservation. Children are supported to
appreciate that sustainability embraces social and
economic sustainability – as well as environmental
sustainability – and to engage with concepts of
social justice, fairness, sharing, democracy and
” The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia – V2.0, 2022

Our administration processes are designed to participate in the sustainability of our preschool in the following ways:

  • We use environmentally friendly cleaning products throughout the preschool
  • We have received and used grant funding to support our water and energy conservation
  • Our children’s portfolios are compiled and sent to families electronically at the end of each term

Water Wise Preschool

We are a waterwise preschool which means that we encourage and support the children and their families to be aware of water as a natural resource that needs to be cared for within the preschool environment and throughout our local community.

Working with Water

To support our children’s learning we promote the notion of working for our water. The children use the donkey pump or collect water from the tank, place it into a wagon and then use it in their play.

Recycling Program

To support their understanding of recycling and the benefits it brings to the natural environment we are currently working on a process of daily recycling the children’s food scraps and plastics. At the end of the day the children are invited to take part in this process of sorting, cleaning and recycling.

Family Participation

Families are encouraged to support the preschool program by offering and collecting for us re-useable objects ranging from good finds at the local opportunity shops and any natural found objects that they come across on their family outings or clean-ups.